Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Congress - A Delicate Balance Between Rural and Urban Inhabitants of America

The Senate was always designed to give additional weight to rural areas.  I think that was to make sure the the understandable economic strength of dense urban centers did not result in power being unbalanced to benefit citizens in cities.  

I think that is wise...unless the balance shifts too far giving rural voters too much power compared to the increased power for dense population centers.  This is very subjective.

This varies from the House, which (without Gerrymandering) would be an excellent body to represent The Will of The People.

The Congress is meant to represent The People and to Legislate by majority (with some additional weight in the Senate to rural voters, as mentioned for the above reason).

So, the Senate Filibuster and House Gerrymandering are two processes that destroy the intricate balance that our Founders built into Our Constitution.  If either are so supported by The People, they can be enshrined in Our Constitution by Amendment.

But short of that, either can be banned by a simple Majority of the Congress since neither the Filibuster nor Gerrymandering are protected in the Constitution.

Abolishing the Filibuster and Gerrymandering will not destroy the Constitution and our Country; it will restore it to its promise of a Government Of The People, By The People and For the People.

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