Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to my blog. Just a quick introduction...I am a regular citizen not being paid by or coordinating with any political organization to my knowledge. (The payments I am sure of...coordination is what is up in the air...I'm just not sure of the legal definitions here.)

Anyways...the basic premise of the blog is two-fold. One to re-iterate why I am supporting Barack Obama for president and second to re-iterate why I am opposed to John McCain. You will find that the recurring theme is that articles about Obama tend to make me fired up and ready to go, while articles about McCain tend to remind me that he is equal to or worse than George W. Bush. But my snarky comments aside...please follow my links and read the articles for yourself. It is up to you to make up your
own mind.

Fired up? Fired up! Ready to go? Ready to go!
Can we finally return America to the heights that it deserves? Yes, we can!!!

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