Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Some thoughts on Owners, Managers and Workers

Som thoughts on the above post...

Definitely not "elite".  But not quite Predatory.  There is a symbiotic relationship like the clown fish and the sea anemone.  Investors and Managers can do no business without Workers, and vice versa.  The interesting thing about business is many of the workers are also mangers, too.  But all three are different, critical roles.

The role of Owner is the Source of the Capital (either raw goods or funds to purchase raw goods) that is risked.  If the business fails to make sufficient sales, that Capital is lost.  If a business sells enough to pay back the cost of raw materials, wages of management and labor and for general overhead like rent and insurance, etc. then whatever is above that is profit...the return on investment.

If the Workers collectively provide the initial funds to start the business or periodically invest further, they are ALSO the Owners.  So, the Owner role is still present...just not separate from the Workers.

The same is true with Management.  If the Workers collectively through some sort of voting structure make all of the strategic decisions, then they are both Workers AND Managers.  But the role of decision making exists.

The Worker takes the raw materials and takes the action to alter them in some way to add value.  But they will.not know what actions to take unless some managers tells them what result is the goal of their actions. And...again...even if the Workers have a direct say in what those goals and actions are, the act of deciding what to do and doing what is decided are two different steps even if the same people are doing it.  The planning meeting from 6 AM to 7 AM when the collective plan gets decided upon is different from the work shift from 8 AM to Noon and then from 1 PM to 4 PM when the raw materials are altered and the goods/services produced.  

I say our system is not parasitic since there is SOME benefit for work...but it is so lopsided towards the Owner and Managers that in terms of looking for a greater solution, I agree that starting with that basic description does start the conversation in the right frame of mind.  I'd say it might as well a parasitic relationship, when it SHOULD be symbiotic where EVERY role benefits...Owner, Manager and Worker.