Wednesday, February 11, 2009

While Rome Burns

Interesting a real time tally of jobs lost while waiting for the Stimulus Package to get passed and implemented.

And an interesting side-note: heard an economist report on NPR that in order to satisfy the Keans criteria for stimulus, based on current circumstances, the government infusion must be a minimum of about $650 Billion. So, with the two completing bills both hovering in the $800 Billion Range, that mark should more than be surpassed.

It will be interesting to see, what appears to be, the first full-scale test of the Keans theories. I think they have been tried previously, but never on this scale. Regardless...I agree with the President that doing nothing will result in an economic death spiral now. The only question is...will the stimulus result in a turn-around or in a later economic death spiral. Time will tell.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Be the Change: Lyrics

Be the Change: Lyrics

music, politics April 3rd, 2008

From the Educated Gamer (

My wife asked me to find the lyrics to the song below, but I couldn’t find them published anywhere. This is my best attempt to transcribe the words. If anyone has found official lyrics, lemme know.

everywhere you look
you can write a book on what’s goin on
everyone you know’s got to reap what they sow
be it right or wrong

ghettos flood
there’s a hole up in the sky
oil and blood
tell me why oh why

terrorstruck, look at us
this isn’t what we planned
you gotta take a stand

dont forget that pride always goes before fall
nobody’s free till there’s freedom for all
as you sow, so shall you reap
be the change that you want to see
oh yeah
be the change that you want to see

every now and then
you gotta bend to the way it is
but be that as it may
it’s not the way just cause they say it is
(just because they say it is)
on tv there’s just no reality
all I hear is me, me, me
what they sold, I’m not buying anymore
no more war

dont forget that pride always goes before fall
nobody’s free till there’s freedom for all
as you sow, so shall you reap
be the change that you want to see
oh yeah
be the change that you want to see

yesterday heard you say
that theres nothing you can do
wonder if you’d feel the same
if it was happening to you

dont forget that pride always goes before fall
nobody’s free till there’s freedom for all
as you sow, so shall you reap
be the change that you want to see
oh yeah
be the change that you want to see
right now
be the change that you want to see
see the changes start with you
be the change that you want to see

be the change that you want to see
be the change that you want to see
be the change that you want to see
be the change that you want to see

Be the Change That You Want To Be - Kat Edmonson

A few weeks ago, NPR's All Songs Considered asked songwriters to write and send us a song to reflect this remarkable day in the country's history. They received submissions from first-time and veteran songwriters alike, and chose a small handful that they thought captured the spirit of America after our historic election.

Here are the ones they did choose. I'll put them on the All Songs Considered podcast this week.

Their (and my) favorite is embedded in their blog at

Kat Edmonson, "Be the Change"

Or you can go to Ms. Edmonson's My Space page:

Wind energy still only provides a smidgen over 1 percent of the electricity generated in the United States, while coal accounts for about half.

From How the World Works Blog on, posted on Friday, Jan. 30, 2009 12:16 PST

Green Wombat's Todd Woody, citing a release from the American Wind Energy Association, provides a new "talking point": "The wind industry now employs more people than coal mining in the United States."

Strictly speaking, this is true. Until the collapse of the economy in mid-September the wind industry had been growing at a tremendous rate, and currently, according to the AWEA, boasts a total employment of 85,000. The latest figures from the Department of Labor peg coal mining employment at 81,000.

But as a few of Woody's readers were quick to point out, wind energy still only provides a smidgen over 1 percent of the electricity generated in the United States, while coal accounts for about half. So if you counted everyone employed in actually generating electricity from coal, the wind industry's showing would be a little less robust.


The posting concludes:

The key takeaway shouldn't be employment, but growth rates. The U.S. registered a 50 percent increase in installed wind power capacity in 2008 and the wind industry accounted for 42 percent of all new electricity generation. The recession will take its toll on those numbers in 2009, but with a Democratic Congress including renewable energy incentives in the stimulus package, future momentum is all but assured.

How to lie about tax cuts

From How the World Works Blog on, posted on Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009 13:24 PST

Here's what appears to be the House Republican strategy going forward: lie, misrepresent, and obfuscate. And when you get called on it, just ignore reality and repeat yourself.

The Limits of Bipartisanship by E.J. Dionne, Jr.

Washington Post Writers Group
The Limits of Bipartisanship by
It's be a shame to let a crisis go to waste for a few Republican votes.
Post Date Monday, February 2, 2009

WASHINGTON--The coming week will test the strength of President Obama and the Democrats: Will they lose their nerve, or will they face down a rapidly forming conventional wisdom that will allow them to claim "victory" only if their economic stimulus package passes with substantial Republican support?

Mr. Obama's Summons

Mr. Obama's Summons

Before a crowd of astonishing size and spirit, the new president issues a call to duty.

From the Washington Post on Tuesday, January 20, 2009: