Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cash-Strapped Pakistan Appeals Friends to Provide Aid!

Saquib Sherani, Economic Adviser to Pakistan's Prime Minisiter Yusuf Reza Gilani appealed its friendly nations to immediately grant $7 billion to fulfill the basic needs of its people. At least $1 billion is needed every month to maintain the machinery which provides such assistance to the people.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

McCain takes credit for bill before it loses

Shortly before the vote, McCain had bragged about his involvement and mocked Sen. Barack Obama for staying on the sidelines.

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The 50 Things That Every Comics Collection Truly Needs

With the addition of Bone, some Tick and as much Tales of the Beanworld as you can find...I think this is a fantastic list!!!!The Comics Reporter presents a eclectic, intriguing list of 50 excellent comic book titles, a must for all comic fans.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain Runs Web Ads Claiming to Win Debate - Before Debate!

Although the fate of tonight's presidential debate in Mississippi remains very much up in the air, John McCain has apparently already won it -- if you believe a web ad in the online edition of the Wall Street Journal this morning.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Economists Support Obama Over McCain By More Than 2 to 1

Discussed McCain's Poor Decision to Rely on his Advisors and the Truth on Taxes:• 95% of working families would get a tax cut from Obama• 100 million Americans would get NO tax cut from McCain• Most would get a larger tax cut from Obama

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Palin's transparency proposal already exists in D.C.

There’s just one problem with proposing to put the federal checkbook online – somebody’s already done it. His name is Barack Obama.

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New Obama ad: on the economy

On the air...

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Obama Ad Goes After McCain For 'Fundamentals Are Strong'

"How can John McCain fix our economy if he doesn't understand it's broken?"

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Christ's Message Was A Message Of Hatred And Self-loathing?

James David Manning preaches at the ATLAH World Missionary Church on 123rd Street in Harlem. After a long career as a small time hoodlum and stints in prison up and down the East Coast for burglary, robbery and larceny he found a demented, hate-filled version of "Christianity"... and, of course, the Republican Party. He claims a PhD from some ...

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Video: Barack Obama Saw it Coming!

Obama this morning threw down the gauntlet on McCain, pointing out McCain's lack of leadership on the current economic crisis, using McCain's own words.

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Alaska lawmakers vote to subpoena Todd Palin!!!

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The abuse of power investigation against Sarah Palin, Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate, took a potentially ominous turn for her party on Friday when state lawmakers voted to subpoena her husband.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Gallup admits to using Likely Voters when it helps McCain

Frank Newport, head of Gallup, admits that they temporarily changed to a likely-voter model for a poll that showed a large jump and lead for McCain, in the same breath that he admitted that the likely-voter model is less accurate than the registered-voter model, and that the likely-voter model was temporarily skewed Republican.

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Obama TV Ad: "Honor"

On the air...

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wheels Come Off Straight Talk Express; Obama Memo

The memo argues, "Since naming Governor Palin as their vice presidential nominee, the McCain campaign has distorted, distracted, and outright lied to the American people about her record in a desperate attempt to hide the fact that a McCain/Palin Administration would be nothing more than a continuation of the failed Bush policies of the last eight.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

'No One Knows What War Is Like Other Than My Family'

John McCain's daughter Meghan said that her family has a special understanding of the military, and that "no one knows what war is like OTHER THAN MY FAMILY."On "The Today Show", she said the experience of having the country at war is "just different when you have someone in the military. Obviously, I think MY FATHER GETS IT MORE THAN ANYONE."

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Palin's Speech Didn't Move Undecided or Democratic Women

McCain's pandering to women improved her standing to women in focus groups in Nevada, but polling data suggests that there is no movement in national polling data, showing women are not stupid like John McCain and Karl Rove think they are.

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Even the WSJ doesn't buy the BS

Sarah lying again about the Bridge to Nowhere

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Monday, September 8, 2008

TPM: Why Palin's Interview With ABC Is Already A Farce

It makes the questioning entirely at the discretion of the person being interviewed and their handlers. The interviewer has to be on their best behavior, at least until the last of the 'multiple interviews' because otherwise the subsequent sittings just won't happen.

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Rendell: If I Was Palin You'd Be Calling For My impeachment

Gov. Ed Rendell decried a double standard in the treatment of Sarah Palin on Monday, saying that if it was he who was at the center of the "troopergate" investigation, the press would be calling for his head.

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Palin Won't Do Interviews Until Treated with "Deference"

Rick Davis, campaign manager for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., just told Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace that McCain running mate Gov. Sarah Palin won't subject herself to any tough questions from reporters "until the point in time when she'll be treated with respect and deference."

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Media Ignores Massive Voter Purges by Republicans

While the media focuses on the antics of McCain's chosen VP battleground states are purging their voter rolls.In Colorado, one fifth of all voter registrations were dropped.Florida is refusing to accept 85,000 new registrants -- overwhelmingly blacks.Ohio & Nevada are scrubbing tens of 1000s of voters who lost their homes.

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Sarah Palin's 9 Most Disturbing Beliefs

It's time to shift the discussion about Palin to what really matters: her far-right views on the issues. Let's forget for a moment that Sarah Palin likes to kill moose, has lots of children and was once voted the second-prettiest lady in Alaska; that's all part of the gusher of sensationalist, but not particularly substantive, news that has...

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Target Women: Sarah Palin

Sarah Haskins satirizes Sarah Palin supporters on infoMania.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Sarah Palin Smokescreen from The Nation Magazine

McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis said,"This election is not about issues." That's exactly how Republicans win. Democrats can't let them get away with it. "You did not hear a single world about the economy," Obama said. "Not once did they mention the hardships that people are going through."If voters really want real change, here are some facts.

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An Angry Community Organizer!

Last evening former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin sarcastically mocked, ridiculed and cast aside not only the work of Senator Obama and I but millions of others who have worked in the community organizing field as a volunteer or full-time worker. Governor Palin was the worst offend

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Obama: Would send Attorney General to review Bush War Crimes

He worried that such a probe could be spun as "a partisan witch hunt." However, he said that equation changes if there was willful criminality, because "nobody is above the law."

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Barack Obama, in Ohio, identifies with working mothers

Speaking under a hot summer sun to a largely female crowd in this small Ohio town, Obama spoke of the struggles his mother and grandmother had endured. And he promised to push legislation that would ensure equal pay for women should he win the White House.

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FBI Wanted Obama Plotters Charged,But Rove Appointee Said No

We noticed last week that it was awfully peculiar that Colorado’s U.S. Attorney, Troy Eid, had so airily dismissed conspiracy charges against the three white-supremacist tweakers who were caught planning to assassinate Barack Obama at last week’s Democratic National Convention in Denver. Now it turns out that those suspicions were fully warranted:

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AP: Palin's Obama Attacks Stretch Truth At GOP Convention

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her Republican supporters held back little Wednesday as they issued dismissive attacks on Barack Obama and flattering praise on her credentials to be vice president. In some cases, the reproach and the praise stretched the truth.

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Sarah Palin Lies, Gets Called Out On It

Watching Palin's speech, I was struck by how blatantly she could lie about her previous support for the now infamous Bridge to Nowhere (among other things). Before I could write a post about it, the Obama campaign actually printed its own (surprisingly thorough) fact sheet about Palin's awfully misleading speech. Here it is, printed in its entirety

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

FactCheck: McCain Ad Continues Lies about Obama's Tax Plan

This new ad claims Obama and congressional Democrats plan to push forward "painful tax increases on working American families" and that they will bring about "years of deficits," "no balanced budgets" and "billions in new government spending." The ad is plain wrong about higher taxes on working families.

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Palin's church says Jews deserve to be victims of terrorism

Brickner, [Palin's church leader] also described terrorist attacks on Israelis as God's "judgment of unbelief" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity. Palin was in church that day and did nothing.

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Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Because punishing ignorant teenage girls is always the best policy!

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Old Dude/ MILF '08!

"nice-looking backside i'm looking at...oop cameraman noticed me. you've got that sexy librarian thang going on."

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Monday, September 1, 2008

AP: Palin used 'Bridge to Nowhere' for gain

Gov. Sarah Palin was for the so-called infamous "Bridge to Nowhere" before she was against it, a change of position the GOP vice presidential running mate conveniently ignored Saturday when she bragged about telling Congress "thanks but no thanks" to the pork barrel project.

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Palin belonged to Alaskan Secessionist Party

How much does Sarah Palin love America? She loves it so much that she once belonged to an Alaskan political party, the Alaskan Independence Party, that wanted to secede from the Union. She loves America so much that she preferred not to be a citizen of America, but a citizen of an autonomous Alaska. There's video proof of this at the link.

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Palin thinks Pledge written by Founding Fathers

Sarah Palin, the Republican Party's vice presidential candidate, apparently needs a lesson in history. Seems she thinks the Founding Fathers wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. Um, Sarah? The Pledge wasn't written until 1892.

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Obama Says Palin's Family Is Off-Limits

"Let me be as clear as possible," Obama said. "I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor or her potential performance as a vice president."

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Palin booed

Palin is booed when referring to Hillary. The McCain campaign think this move is going to get them Hillary's supporters - I don't think so!

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John McCain voted against Katrina relief multiple times

John McCain, now "concerned about Gustav", had numerous votes against Katrina relief in 2005, and helped to strike down Democratic bills and amendments that would bring tax benefits, health care and emergency relief to victims of Katrina, Rita and Wilma.

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Bristol Palin is pregnant...again?

Although there isn't decisive proof Trig is Bristol's son (i.e. Sarah Palin's grand child) the plot certainly thickens as the McCain ticket announces Bristol is pregnant at 17 and going to marry the father... Anyone else getting confused by all of this?

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